Here are the few of the deadly commands which must never be executed in Linux/Unix machines.
1. rm -rf /
This will delete everything it can possibly, including files on the hard drive and storage connected to the devices.
This will delete everything it can possibly, including files on the hard drive and storage connected to the devices.
2. :(){ :|: & };:
The above bash function is called as fork bomb.
This process continually replicates itself, and its copies continually replicate themselves, quickly taking up all your CPU time and memory. This can cause your computer to freeze. It's basically a denial-of-service attack.
3. mkfs.ext3/[ext4] /dev/sda1
Formats your Hard Drive
4. >/dev/sda
This will write data to hard drive damaging hard drive
5.dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda
This will write junk into your hard drive.
This will write junk into your hard drive.
6. mv ~ /dev/null
Your home directory contents will be destroyed.
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