Friday 11 September 2015

zfs cheat sheet - Creation of Storagepools & Filesystems using zpool & zfs #Solaris 11

The ZFS file system is a file system that fundamentally changes the way file systems are administered, with features and benefits not found in other file systems available today. ZFS is robust, scalable, and easy to administer.ZFS uses the concept of storage pools to manage physical storage, ZFS eliminates volume management altogether. Instead of forcing you to create virtualized volumes, ZFS aggregates devices into a storage pool.File systems are no longer constrained to individual devices, allowing them to share disk space with all file systems in the pool. You no longer need to predetermine the size of a file system, as file systems grow automatically within the disk space allocated to the storage pool. When new storage is added, all file systems within the pool can immediately use the additional disk space without additional work

                     zpool commands                        Description
zpool create testpool c0t0d0Create simple pool named testpool with single disk
creating default mount point as poolname(/testpool)
-n do a dry run on pool creation
-f force creation of the pool
zpool create testpool mirror c0t0d0 c0t0d1Create testpool mirroring c0t0d0 with c0t0d1
creating default mount point as poolname(/testpool)
zpool create -m /mypool testpool c0t0d0Create pool with different mount point than default
zpool create testpool raidz c2t1d0 c2t2d0 c2t3d0Create RAID-Z testpool
zpool add testpool raidz c2t4d0 c2t5d0 c2t6d0Add RAID-Z disks to testpool
zpool create testpool raidz1 c2t1d0 c2t2d0 c2t3d0 c2t4d0 c2t5d0 c2t6d0Create RAIDZ-1 testpool
zpool create testpool raidz2 c2t1d0 c2t2d0 c2t3d0 c2t4d0 c2t5d0 c2t6d0Create RAIDZ-2 testpool
zpool add testpool spare c2t6d0Add spare device to the testpool
zpool create testpool mirror c2t1d0 c2t2d0 mirror c2t3d0 c2t4d0Disk c2t1d0 mirrored with c2t2d0 &
c2t3d0 mirrored with c2t4d0
zpool remove testpool c2t6d0Removes hot spares and cache disks
zpool detach testpool c2t4d0Detach the mirror from the pool
zpool clear testpool c2t4d0Clears specific disk fault
zpool replace testpool c3t4d0Replace disk like disk
zpool replace testpool c3t4d0 c3t5d0Replace one disk with another disk
zpool export testpoolExport the pool from the system
zpool import testpoolImports specific pool
zpool import -f -D -d /testpool testpoolImport destroyed testpool
zpool import testpool newtestpoolImport a pool originally named testpool under
new name newtestpool
zpool import 88746667466648Import pool using ID
zpool offline testpool c2t4d0Offline the disk in the pool
Note: zpool offline testpool -t c2t4d0 will offline temporary
zpool upgrade -aupgrade all pools
zpool upgrade testpoolUpgrade specific pool
zpool status -xHealth status of all pools
zpool status testpoolStatus of pool in verbose mode
zpool get all testpoolLists all the properties of the storage pool
zpool set autoexpand=on testpoolSet the parameter value on the storage pool
Note: zpool get all testpool gives you all the properties
on which it could be used to set value
zpool listLists all pools
zpool list -o name,size,altrootshow properties of the pool
zpool historyDisplays history of the pool
Note: Once the pool is removed, history is removed.
zpool iostat 2 2Display ZFS I/O stastics
zpool destroy testpoolRemoves the storage pool

                       zfs commands                      Description
zfs listLists the ZFS file system's
zfs list -t filesystem
zfs list -t snapshot
zfs list -t volume
zfs create testpool/filesystem1Creates ZFS filesystem on testpool storage
zfs create -o mountpoint=/filesystem1 testpool/filesystem1Different mountpoint created after ZFS creation
zfs rename testpool/filesystem1 testpool/filesystem2Renames the ZFS filesystem
zfs unmount testpoolunmount the storagepool
zfs mount testpoolmounts the storagepool
NFS exports in ZFSzfs share testpool - shares the file system for export
zfs set share.nfs=on testpool - make the share persistent
across reboot
svcs -a nfs/server - NFS server should be online
cat /etc/dfs/dfstab - Exported entry in the file
showmount -e - storage pool has been exported
zfs unshare testpoolRemove NFS exports
zfs destroy -r testpoolDestroy storage pool and all datasets under it
zfs set quota=1G testpool/filesystem1set quota of 1GB on the filesystem1
zfs set reservations=1G testpool/filesystem1set reservation of 1GB on the filesystem1
zfs set mountpoint=legacy testpool/filesystem1Disable ZFS auto mounting and enable
through /etc/vsftab
zfs unmount testpool/filesystem1unmounts ZFS filesystem1 in testpool
zfs mount testpool/filesystem1mounts ZFS filestystem1 in testpool
zfs mount -amounts all the ZFS filesystems
zfs snapshot testpool/filesystem1@fridayCreates a snapshot of the filesystem1
zfs hold keep testpool/filesystem1@fridayHolds existing snapshot & attempts to destroy using zfs destroy will fail
zfs rename testpool/filesystem1@friday FRIDAYRename the snapshots
Note: snapshots must exists in the same pools
zfs diff testpool/filesystem1@friday testpool/filesystem1@friday1Identify the difference between two snapshots
zfs holds testpool/filesystem1@fridayDisplays the list of snapshots help
zfs rollback -r testpool/fileystem1@fridayRoll back yesterday snapshot recursively
zfs destroy testpool/fileystem1@thursdayDestroy snapshot created yesterday
zfs clone testpool/filesystem1@friday testpool/clones/fridayClone was created on the same snapshot
Note: Cannot create clone of a filesystem in a pool that is different from where original snapshot resides.
zfs destroy testpool/clones/FridayDestroy the clone
