In this article i'll try to explain how to install, configure and use Git.
Environment: CentOS 7
Git version:
Git is a distribute version control system used by developers, but since it can also store .files(files with '.') system admin's can use to store their customized configurations files like .bashrc, .vimrc or other important scripts ..etc
Git takes a snapshot of how the files look at that instant in time and will store a reference to it. It wouldn't matter to Git what data you insert as it will check-sum it using SHA1 algorithm and create 40-character hex key. Git is based on key-value data system.
- Install Git by using 'yum'
#yum install git -y
# git --version
git version
I already have a Git account registered if you don't have, signup to and complete your registration. create your first repository by '+'
NOTE: repository name you choose or the directory name which you create should be the alike. Git usually sync the directory or the files from your laptop or desktop to the one having the same name as in the GitHub.
setup your name and e-mail (similar email ID that you used to create GitHub account) on your local laptop or desktop which must be run very first time inorder to setup Git.
sunilka@centos7]$ git config --global "sunilka"
sunilka@centos7]$ git config --list
Create a directory and initialize Git by running git init, after that you have .git created with few files and directory under it. According to Git it's now been the working tree. now, everything under it can be uploaded to GitHub.
sunilka@centos7]$ mkdir configs
sunilka@centos7]$ cd configs; git init
sunilka@centos7]$ ls -ld .git
few files were been created and added into the directory, the moment we added the files into Git it creates a hash checksum and refers it by checksum.
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git ls-files --stage
100755 af7ec7a5b7b361c10dcbf3db7286f97ef7df57d6 0 ks.cfg
100755 3e84972fcf7f688f98999d1bd5c38eaf250efcc9 0 ks_centos7.cfg
sunilka@centos7 configs]$
Now, lest pust to Gitgub which is our remote repository. first check you have remote repository already existing there
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git remote -v
sunilka@centos7 configs]$
add the remote repository, URL which you had while creating the repository.
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git remote -v
sunilka@centos7 configs]$
git remote add - add remote directory to Git
origin - default name of the remote location
Push the file to GitHub using, use the same username and password which you use to create and access your GitHub account.
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git push origin master
any changes made to the files, must be committed before Git push.
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git commit -m "CentOS 7 kickstart file" ks_centos7.cfg
[master 08632bb] CentOS 7 kickstart file
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git commit -m "CentOS 6 kickstart file" ks.cfg
[master 498a0ca] CentOS 6 kickstart file
1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
sunilka@centos7 configs]$
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ git push origin master
Counting objects: 9, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 591 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
57a7eb3..498a0ca master -> master
sunilka@centos7 configs]$
Take a look at your GitHub page, it should have been uploaded.
you can make a localcopy from your GitHub account using the clone feature
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ mkdir gitclones
sunilka@centos7 configs]$ cd gitclones/
Cloning into 'configs'...
remote: Counting objects: 10, done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 10
Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done.
sunilka@centos7 gitclones]$ ls
sunilka@centos7 gitclones]$ ls configs/
ks_centos7.cfg ks.cfg
sunilka@centos7 gitclones]$
you have same files are in your GitHub repository.